2008年1月9日 星期三

My Happy Ending

So much for my happy ending

oh oh, oh oh, oh oh, oh oh

Oh oh, oh oh, oh...

Let's talk this over

It's not like we're dead

Was it something I did?

Was it something You said?

Don't leave me hanging

In a city so dead

Held up so high

On such a breakable thread

You were all the things I thought I knew

And I thought we could be


You were everything, everything

That I wanted

We were meant to be, supposed to be

But we lost it

All of our memories so close to me

Just fade away

All this time you were pretending

So much for my happy ending

So much for my happy ending

You've got your dumb friends

I know what they say

They tell you I'm difficult

But so are they

But they don't know me

Do they even know you?

All the things you hide from me

All the ***** that you do


It's nice to know that you were there

Thanks for acting like you care

And making me feel like

I was the only one

It's nice to know we had it all

Thanks for watching as I fall

And letting me know we were done

Chorus (X2)

So much for my happy ending

So much for my happy ending

2008年1月8日 星期二

Terminal examination

Oh~~I really think that "time and tide wait for no man." It seems that the midterm examination was just over. Suddenly terminal examination will be around the corner!!

At the same situation, just like last time, it is too late to prepare my exam>< So~~every day and night, I make my mind to concentrate on my studies and burn the midnight oil... Although I know it is not good way to solve this problem, I can not help but do it again...

Now ~only few days to prepare, I have to make every endeavour !!

★Take time before time takes you.-Richmond★★

2008年1月2日 星期三

Good day

I woke up early in my hotel room

Wait for my alarm to go

I think about the things I`ve gotta do

Damn, my mind is gonna blow

I`m freaking out, about whats ahead

Maybe I`ll just stay in bed

Cause it`s no fun to be the one going out of my head

So I tell it to myself again

You`re looking for something you can`t find

If you give it up, you`ll lose your mind

There`s always something in your way

What can you say?

You`re gonna have good day

I quit my job about a week ago

Told 'em that I need some time

Now I`m going strong on Lexapro

Doctor says I`m doing fine

I`m freaking out about whats ahead

Maybe I`ll just stay in bed

Cause it's no fun to be the one going out of my head

So I tell it to myself agian

You`re looking for something you can`t find

If you give it up, you`ll lose your mind

There`s always somthing in your way

What can you say?

You`re gonna have a good day

Jostling about I couldn`t lose

I realized that its the only thing I knew

I`m freaking out about whats ahead

Maybe I`ll just stay in bed

Cause its no fun to be the one going out of my head

So I tell it to myself

Tell it to myself

Tell it to myself agian

You`re looking for something you can`t find

If you give it up, you`ll lose your mind

Theres always something in your way

You`re looking for something you can`t find

If you give it up, you`ll lose your mind

There`s alway something in your way

What can you say?

You`re looking for something you can`t find

If you give it up, you`ll lose your mind

There`s always something in your way

What can you say?

You`re gonna have a good day x 4

2008年1月1日 星期二

Happy new year

When it comes to talk about celebrating the coming of 2008, I experienced a different celebration with my friends!! It's the first time that I really felt the atmosphere of greeting coming new year! Because we decided to see 101 fireworks which was last time ......

Five friends and I finished a whole day course at 3:00p.m. , then left for MRT Xinpu station to buy our refreshment and un...a little wine for long night! When everything was ready and we were about to go to our destination-101, suddenly~ one of my friend suggested that we could go to The Grand Hotel!? It was said that outdoor of The Grand Hotel could see the whole fireworks of 101 and other places ' . On the other hand, we exactly didn't want to stand at crowd of people - it seemed to exceed 60 thousand people!! So~we changed our destination and expected having a excellent celebration.

As soon as we arrived the Jiantan station, we first went to the Shilin night market to buy snacks, then walked to The Grand Hotel. We choosed a place with good view, and then the ground was covered by newspaper. We sited and began playing card at 9:30p.m.~~ We still had a lot of time to play, eat and drink( It sounds there were a group of pigs?:P)

Time passed with our laugh and chatting. It was time to clean our cards and garbage - it's show time!! At about 11:50, we found there were plenty of people around us ! Even the slope of parking lot were crowded with people! Then everyone was nervous and excited to count backwards :5 4 3 2 1 Happy New Year!!!!!!! At that moment the most brilliant show began-fireworks of 101!! Oh~~that was so wonderful! The beauty and shock was beyond words!

Although it continued only short 188 seconds, it was splendid enough to stay in mind. Then after the fireworks finished, we went to one of our friend's home to take brake. Arriving her home at 3:00a.m., 4 people tired and slept, leaving me and the other friend awaken. So~~we chatted and lay on her bed until 5:00a.m. Call them to wake up and went to the new year's day flag-raising ceremony at Office of the President.

When I got home at 9:20a.m. , I was finally out of energy, sleeping on my bed at once= ˇ =

Oh~~~that is a mysterious day -a beginning of 2008! Happy New Year !!!!!

2007年12月23日 星期日

A memorable reunion

Since last week, my high school friends and I had planed an appointment for us and our class tutor at her new home! We asked for our teacher's willing in advance and made a date at 12 noon on Saturday. Finally the date is coming!!

At Saturday morning, I first came to the Global Mall to buy a present for my teacher to congratulate her moving into a brand-new house. As soon as we all friends reached, we began to rang the door bell to visit Miss Tang. She seemed so happy to see us and greeted us with joy. When walking into the apartment block, I was so enjoyed for there facilities such as gym, reading room, and the beautiful environment around the inside of small park.

When we arrived our teacher's new home, we strained at the leash to look around (of course under her admission) and then the most important thing was to chat with each other because we had not seen others especially Miss tang!! She treated us lunch-pizza and plum green tea~~
We were eating the delicious lunch and chatting! The funniest thing was that one might said his/her recently affair or something different, that is, gossiping about oneself.=囗=

About 4 p.m. ,we just already left teacher's home and were reluctant to say good-bye to Miss Tang. Ho ho~but our reunion was not over~~we went to the Global Mall near teacher's new home and game with machine of shooting a basketball! Ha~~Surprisingly I got the highest point:134~~UN~~it presented that I had not forgot my trick even if I played it 2 years ago.^^

2007年12月17日 星期一

Travel to Danshuei

Last Saturday, I had a appointment with my boyfriend to Danshuei! We took the MRT to the Danshuei station , then arrived there at 2:30p.m. An intriguing travel started!

At first, we walked along the Danshuei old street, tasting the local delicious food such as fish dumplings, Argi (fried meat pastry) and hard eggs, and so on. And~~ of course! we did not miss the jumbo ice cream!! Oh~~it was too tall to eat, and the top ice cream was easy to melt......We ate it with confusion>"<

Then, we visited a peculiar store- displayed kinds of rare creatures came from Amazon. Most had terrible or disgusting(I thought)appearance...But it was worthy of making a visit to this exhibition~It will broaden your horizon!

And next destination was Danshuei fisherman's wharf~We took a boat to that place! After getting off the boat, we came to the bridge of lovers (情人橋)Oh~~there is so beautiful scenery !! At that moment, the sun just set, we lingered at that bridge to appreciate the fine views.

Then, we walked through 木棧道- where the outdoor perfromed artist always perform their talent such as painting, and there were also store street providing dishes, coffie, and so on. We were strolling along the store street, waiting for the vocal recital called "at 觀海廣場 sponsored by Kinder Bueno. We were so lucky to know that there was a vocal recital today and got the tickle on the Danshuei old street. At 6:00p.m., the audience walked into the square continuously, and we also entered.

Although the atmosphere was so high, and we wanted to stay, the time passed by....All of a sudden it was 8:00p.m.!! So....we just had to took a boat to Danshuei and took MRT going home! It was a wonderful day >v<

2007年12月12日 星期三

Concerning Mosaic1's question of English class

I choose to answer the number 3 question: What is new with Kim Ssang Su? Is he still the CEO of LG Electronics? What can you find out about him, his family, and his life in general?

He is the CEO of LG Electronics. And he talked about himself in his own blog regarding his personal life.For one thing, he does his own thing energetically and passionately:he thinks that 24 hours is not enough for him. When he thinks that his judgment and actions as a CEO will determine the lives of tens of thousands of people, and he cannot stop working, even for a moment. He must devote over 70% of his waking time to thinking about and performing work. Otherwise, it will take him double the time to shift from thinking about other things to going back on the right track.

For the other thing, Besides work, his hobbies include mountaineering and reading. He considers that -while mountaineering, they(he and his staff) experience a different kind of "high" similar to a "running high" in marathon races. After climbing, they could barely move one step further, but they are more charged than any other time, and their consciousness towards a goal becomes clearer. they overcome the running high by standing on the peak of the summit.Business also has a running high. When productivity stagnates, which leaves one to think that he has reached the limit, one must surpass the barrier to be successful. Even Kim also believes that no matter how many books one reads, the information one acquires cannot be true knowledge if it cannot be useful and made tangible.

Besides his family play an important role in his life! He loves them and is thankful for them. He confesses that it is true he work very hard and constantly think of the company even at home. As such, "father and husband" has always been virtually absent from his children and wife.Nonetheless, his two daughters and youngest son have been raised well.

(Most content is from Kim's blog http://www.kimssangsu.com/lgceo/eng/docs/about/life_index.html)