2007年11月25日 星期日

"A Close Look at the iPhone"

Q1:What is iPhone ? Why it is special ?

The iPhone is a multimedia, Internet-enabled mobile phone desined and marketed by Apple Inc. It has a multi-touch screen with virtual keyboard and buttons. The functions of iPhone include a camera phone and a portable media player("iPod"), in addition to text messaging and Internet survice, including e-mail, web browsing and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Q2:The 5 reasons for using iPhone

NO1. touch screen
NO2. iPod
NO3. pretty
NO4. Wi-Fi
NO5. third-party applications

Q3:The 5 reasons for not using iPhone

NO1. the price is expensive- $599
NO2. small capacity- only 8 GB
NO3. 2 year contract
NO4. battery issues
NO5. no 3G

How mysterious a day

Yesterday was an amazing day!

At 10:00a.m., my friend and I kept an appointment at National Taiwan University because yesterday was NTU 79th anniversary. We strolled the campus, watched the performance the dancing club displayed and scanned through stalls on campus. While the most important thing did not start. That is I had to watch the performance, played by the magic club of Fu Jen Catholic University at Y-17!

After finishing rambling the NTU campus, another friend of mine took me to the Y -17 to watch the show at 2:00p.m. Its theme was called "穿越時空 魔力20." Oh~~it was amazing and astonishing! The magic trick was so miraculous because the magician could conjure up flowers, cards, and CD out of thin air, even let volunteer float in the air!! And the conjurer included famous professor,Robin-with 20 years performing experiences. He is also the founded of the magic club of Fu Jen Catholic University. The splendid performance gained appreciation from the audience.

Time elapsed, and the performance ended in clapping and cheering.

Even now the show still occupy my mind, lingering wonderful image in the pit of my stomach.

And the movie of this performance is linked to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkKTXtsW7rE

2007年11月19日 星期一

Unaccustomed Weather

The weather forecast has been wrong for a long time! Because it reported that last week the temperature may dropped, in fact the weather was fine. It's all sunny days!

While this time, the weather forecast is finally correct. Yesterday the temperature truly decreased. And today's temperature -how cold it is! The wind whistled,especially in Sansia.

But the unaccustomed point lie on the temperature is really low, and I truly feel cold; nevertheless the sun is shining. It makes me confused about how heavy clothes I should wear......

Think positively, the warmth the sun gives truly makes us warmer. Thanks to the rare warmth in the autumn, I feel better and can tolerate that coldness.

2007年11月16日 星期五

Recommend a nice book

Today, I finally finish reading<The Memory Keeper's Daughter> . This story describe a doctor is forced by a blizzard to deliver his own twins. His son, born first, is perfectly healthy. Yet when his daughter is born, he sees immediately that she has Down's syndrome. For the purpose of protecting her wife from facing such tragedy,he asks his nurse to take the baby away to an institution and never to reveal the secret. But the nurse, cannot leave the infant. Instead, she disappears into another city to raise the child herself.

This story depicts an obvious contrast between this two families- the son alive v.s the daughter "dead" ! the doctor whose material life is sufficient but can't be candid to his families v.s the single mother who lives hardly but has a rich spiritual life.

I am touched by the dialogue the nurse talked to the doctor:" You avoid a lot of heartache but you also miss the countless joy!" The doctor's decision for his wife and son seemed to go wrong. I feel deeply sympathy for the doctor-for his torture about the lie, and his wife-for losing her daughter thus start to drink excessively and have extramarital relations to numb her sense of loss.

After finished reading, I thought if the doctor at first accepted the daughter, the ending will be great? But then I got the idea that as soon as one must encounter things, he only to know that how will he do.

For others' lives, we only can be a onlooker and don't have credentials to criticize. And whether lie of good will is right? I think not at all! This doctor lives a lie, can't be frank, and always late to say his love to his families because of sorry for them. But most important, the lie turn out to be a condemnation of one's own conscience in the end, and the one influenced much is usually himself!

This is really worthy of reading this book!!

2007年11月15日 星期四

Busy week

With the coming of the first midterm examination, I really found the difference between the high school and university.

As a high school student, I studied by the teacher's schedule, keeping the working routine.But in the university, I have to learn studying spontaneously, making good time plan.

Because I didn't make good use of time at begining, this week I experienced that the time was insufficient everyday, and I had to burn the midmight oil to finish the studying......

Thus neglect my blog so long><

Oh~I must learn the lesson, and hope next time I won't be so hasty and late to start to prepare examination.