2007年11月25日 星期日

How mysterious a day

Yesterday was an amazing day!

At 10:00a.m., my friend and I kept an appointment at National Taiwan University because yesterday was NTU 79th anniversary. We strolled the campus, watched the performance the dancing club displayed and scanned through stalls on campus. While the most important thing did not start. That is I had to watch the performance, played by the magic club of Fu Jen Catholic University at Y-17!

After finishing rambling the NTU campus, another friend of mine took me to the Y -17 to watch the show at 2:00p.m. Its theme was called "穿越時空 魔力20." Oh~~it was amazing and astonishing! The magic trick was so miraculous because the magician could conjure up flowers, cards, and CD out of thin air, even let volunteer float in the air!! And the conjurer included famous professor,Robin-with 20 years performing experiences. He is also the founded of the magic club of Fu Jen Catholic University. The splendid performance gained appreciation from the audience.

Time elapsed, and the performance ended in clapping and cheering.

Even now the show still occupy my mind, lingering wonderful image in the pit of my stomach.

And the movie of this performance is linked to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkKTXtsW7rE
