2007年12月10日 星期一

What a good learning place about "Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab "

Since the beginning of this week, I have made up my mind to listen to the General Listening Quizzes of Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab. There are listening topics to train my hearing everyday.

For example, I listened a lesson -A University Degree today. This topic's content is that a woman applies for a college and her father reminds her about tuition, housing fees, meal plan, and a meeting with her academic advisor. While the father doesn't know that his daughter has turned her major from business administration to wildlife science because her interest. Even more, the woman has already looked through the online university catalog, and qualified for a two-year, full tuition scholarship. Moreover, she can even go on to graduate school and further her education. The father is influenced by her daughter and want to enroll in night school to get another degree.

That conversation is humorous and meaningful for me! Because it let me experience that activity is the only road to knowledge! If you want to learn more, the results depend on your attitude and activity and the ambition to get your goal.

The end of this conversation also gives me a inspiration-one is never too old to learn! As that father, he emulates his daughter to advance himself. I anticipate myself to reach that spirit-never too late to learn!!

~~For man is man and master of his fate-Tennyson~~
