2007年12月23日 星期日

A memorable reunion

Since last week, my high school friends and I had planed an appointment for us and our class tutor at her new home! We asked for our teacher's willing in advance and made a date at 12 noon on Saturday. Finally the date is coming!!

At Saturday morning, I first came to the Global Mall to buy a present for my teacher to congratulate her moving into a brand-new house. As soon as we all friends reached, we began to rang the door bell to visit Miss Tang. She seemed so happy to see us and greeted us with joy. When walking into the apartment block, I was so enjoyed for there facilities such as gym, reading room, and the beautiful environment around the inside of small park.

When we arrived our teacher's new home, we strained at the leash to look around (of course under her admission) and then the most important thing was to chat with each other because we had not seen others especially Miss tang!! She treated us lunch-pizza and plum green tea~~
We were eating the delicious lunch and chatting! The funniest thing was that one might said his/her recently affair or something different, that is, gossiping about oneself.=囗=

About 4 p.m. ,we just already left teacher's home and were reluctant to say good-bye to Miss Tang. Ho ho~but our reunion was not over~~we went to the Global Mall near teacher's new home and game with machine of shooting a basketball! Ha~~Surprisingly I got the highest point:134~~UN~~it presented that I had not forgot my trick even if I played it 2 years ago.^^

2007年12月17日 星期一

Travel to Danshuei

Last Saturday, I had a appointment with my boyfriend to Danshuei! We took the MRT to the Danshuei station , then arrived there at 2:30p.m. An intriguing travel started!

At first, we walked along the Danshuei old street, tasting the local delicious food such as fish dumplings, Argi (fried meat pastry) and hard eggs, and so on. And~~ of course! we did not miss the jumbo ice cream!! Oh~~it was too tall to eat, and the top ice cream was easy to melt......We ate it with confusion>"<

Then, we visited a peculiar store- displayed kinds of rare creatures came from Amazon. Most had terrible or disgusting(I thought)appearance...But it was worthy of making a visit to this exhibition~It will broaden your horizon!

And next destination was Danshuei fisherman's wharf~We took a boat to that place! After getting off the boat, we came to the bridge of lovers (情人橋)Oh~~there is so beautiful scenery !! At that moment, the sun just set, we lingered at that bridge to appreciate the fine views.

Then, we walked through 木棧道- where the outdoor perfromed artist always perform their talent such as painting, and there were also store street providing dishes, coffie, and so on. We were strolling along the store street, waiting for the vocal recital called "at 觀海廣場 sponsored by Kinder Bueno. We were so lucky to know that there was a vocal recital today and got the tickle on the Danshuei old street. At 6:00p.m., the audience walked into the square continuously, and we also entered.

Although the atmosphere was so high, and we wanted to stay, the time passed by....All of a sudden it was 8:00p.m.!! So....we just had to took a boat to Danshuei and took MRT going home! It was a wonderful day >v<

2007年12月12日 星期三

Concerning Mosaic1's question of English class

I choose to answer the number 3 question: What is new with Kim Ssang Su? Is he still the CEO of LG Electronics? What can you find out about him, his family, and his life in general?

He is the CEO of LG Electronics. And he talked about himself in his own blog regarding his personal life.For one thing, he does his own thing energetically and passionately:he thinks that 24 hours is not enough for him. When he thinks that his judgment and actions as a CEO will determine the lives of tens of thousands of people, and he cannot stop working, even for a moment. He must devote over 70% of his waking time to thinking about and performing work. Otherwise, it will take him double the time to shift from thinking about other things to going back on the right track.

For the other thing, Besides work, his hobbies include mountaineering and reading. He considers that -while mountaineering, they(he and his staff) experience a different kind of "high" similar to a "running high" in marathon races. After climbing, they could barely move one step further, but they are more charged than any other time, and their consciousness towards a goal becomes clearer. they overcome the running high by standing on the peak of the summit.Business also has a running high. When productivity stagnates, which leaves one to think that he has reached the limit, one must surpass the barrier to be successful. Even Kim also believes that no matter how many books one reads, the information one acquires cannot be true knowledge if it cannot be useful and made tangible.

Besides his family play an important role in his life! He loves them and is thankful for them. He confesses that it is true he work very hard and constantly think of the company even at home. As such, "father and husband" has always been virtually absent from his children and wife.Nonetheless, his two daughters and youngest son have been raised well.

(Most content is from Kim's blog http://www.kimssangsu.com/lgceo/eng/docs/about/life_index.html)

2007年12月10日 星期一

What a good learning place about "Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab "

Since the beginning of this week, I have made up my mind to listen to the General Listening Quizzes of Randall's ESL Cyber Listening Lab. There are listening topics to train my hearing everyday.

For example, I listened a lesson -A University Degree today. This topic's content is that a woman applies for a college and her father reminds her about tuition, housing fees, meal plan, and a meeting with her academic advisor. While the father doesn't know that his daughter has turned her major from business administration to wildlife science because her interest. Even more, the woman has already looked through the online university catalog, and qualified for a two-year, full tuition scholarship. Moreover, she can even go on to graduate school and further her education. The father is influenced by her daughter and want to enroll in night school to get another degree.

That conversation is humorous and meaningful for me! Because it let me experience that activity is the only road to knowledge! If you want to learn more, the results depend on your attitude and activity and the ambition to get your goal.

The end of this conversation also gives me a inspiration-one is never too old to learn! As that father, he emulates his daughter to advance himself. I anticipate myself to reach that spirit-never too late to learn!!

~~For man is man and master of his fate-Tennyson~~

2007年12月7日 星期五

Happy birthday to my friend

Oh~~today is so happy!! In order to celebrate her birthday, we prepared everything including presents, cakes and card yesterday.

At lunch time, we divided the work in corporation- one of our friends bring the cake which bought yesterday and left it with a friend in dorm from the dormitory, and another took responsibility to gather others to the classroom. In addition, one was bound to take the main character away from our classroom.

Then, the cake was ready, and presents also stood by. The main role came back. It seemed that everything was all right! We began stealthily moving to outdoor with cakes, and stuck the candles "19" into the cake. But~oh~~God!! We forgot preparing the lighter!! Fortunately, we borrowed it from the shopkeeper, and lit candles, bringing it into classroom with singing "Happy birthday" song!

She was shocked at first, silently making wishes, and was touched. Afterwards, we all together ate the cake happily, and gave her card and the presents we elaborately selected: a cute pair of slippers, a lovely ornament, and a string of candies.

Though we prepared this celebration a little hard, it was worthy that we saw her laugh and experienced a wonderful birthday! Happy birthday !!

2007年12月3日 星期一


Complicated -Avril Lavigne

Uh huh, life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh, that's the way it is
Cause life's like this
Uh huh, uh huh that's the way it is

Chill out whatcha yelling' for?
Lay back it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
you will see
I like you the way you are
When we're drivin' in your car
and you're talking to me one on one but you've become

Somebody else round everyone else
You're watching your back like you can't relax
You're tryin' to be cool you look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
And you fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
and promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

You come over unannounced
dressed up like you're somethin' else
where you are and where it's at you see
you're making me
laugh out when you strike your pose
take off all your preppy clothes
you know you're not fooling anyone
when you've become

Somebody else round everyone else
Watching your back, like you can't relax
Trying to be cool you look like a fool to me
Tell me

Why you have to go and make things so complicated?
I see the way you're acting like you're somebody else gets me frustrated
Life's like this you
and You fall and you crawl and you break
and you take what you get and you turn it into honesty
promise me I'm never gonna find you fake it
no no no

Chill out whatcha yelling for?
Lay back, it's all been done before
And if you could only let it be
You will see

Somebody else round everyone else
You're watching your back, like you can't relax
You're trying to be cool, you look like a fool to me
Tell me

chorus x2

The meaning of this song is that think things simplified!!
I share this song because we all are sometimes hypocritical, disguising our true nature, and we dare not to confront realistic life even though we may be hurt or frustrated. I hope to try to face myself honestly, let the life uncomplicated, decrease unnecessary vexation.

This is the music MV linked to YouTube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NGXYAJoDWCk

2007年11月25日 星期日

"A Close Look at the iPhone"

Q1:What is iPhone ? Why it is special ?

The iPhone is a multimedia, Internet-enabled mobile phone desined and marketed by Apple Inc. It has a multi-touch screen with virtual keyboard and buttons. The functions of iPhone include a camera phone and a portable media player("iPod"), in addition to text messaging and Internet survice, including e-mail, web browsing and Wi-Fi connectivity.

Q2:The 5 reasons for using iPhone

NO1. touch screen
NO2. iPod
NO3. pretty
NO4. Wi-Fi
NO5. third-party applications

Q3:The 5 reasons for not using iPhone

NO1. the price is expensive- $599
NO2. small capacity- only 8 GB
NO3. 2 year contract
NO4. battery issues
NO5. no 3G

How mysterious a day

Yesterday was an amazing day!

At 10:00a.m., my friend and I kept an appointment at National Taiwan University because yesterday was NTU 79th anniversary. We strolled the campus, watched the performance the dancing club displayed and scanned through stalls on campus. While the most important thing did not start. That is I had to watch the performance, played by the magic club of Fu Jen Catholic University at Y-17!

After finishing rambling the NTU campus, another friend of mine took me to the Y -17 to watch the show at 2:00p.m. Its theme was called "穿越時空 魔力20." Oh~~it was amazing and astonishing! The magic trick was so miraculous because the magician could conjure up flowers, cards, and CD out of thin air, even let volunteer float in the air!! And the conjurer included famous professor,Robin-with 20 years performing experiences. He is also the founded of the magic club of Fu Jen Catholic University. The splendid performance gained appreciation from the audience.

Time elapsed, and the performance ended in clapping and cheering.

Even now the show still occupy my mind, lingering wonderful image in the pit of my stomach.

And the movie of this performance is linked to YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkKTXtsW7rE

2007年11月19日 星期一

Unaccustomed Weather

The weather forecast has been wrong for a long time! Because it reported that last week the temperature may dropped, in fact the weather was fine. It's all sunny days!

While this time, the weather forecast is finally correct. Yesterday the temperature truly decreased. And today's temperature -how cold it is! The wind whistled,especially in Sansia.

But the unaccustomed point lie on the temperature is really low, and I truly feel cold; nevertheless the sun is shining. It makes me confused about how heavy clothes I should wear......

Think positively, the warmth the sun gives truly makes us warmer. Thanks to the rare warmth in the autumn, I feel better and can tolerate that coldness.

2007年11月16日 星期五

Recommend a nice book

Today, I finally finish reading<The Memory Keeper's Daughter> . This story describe a doctor is forced by a blizzard to deliver his own twins. His son, born first, is perfectly healthy. Yet when his daughter is born, he sees immediately that she has Down's syndrome. For the purpose of protecting her wife from facing such tragedy,he asks his nurse to take the baby away to an institution and never to reveal the secret. But the nurse, cannot leave the infant. Instead, she disappears into another city to raise the child herself.

This story depicts an obvious contrast between this two families- the son alive v.s the daughter "dead" ! the doctor whose material life is sufficient but can't be candid to his families v.s the single mother who lives hardly but has a rich spiritual life.

I am touched by the dialogue the nurse talked to the doctor:" You avoid a lot of heartache but you also miss the countless joy!" The doctor's decision for his wife and son seemed to go wrong. I feel deeply sympathy for the doctor-for his torture about the lie, and his wife-for losing her daughter thus start to drink excessively and have extramarital relations to numb her sense of loss.

After finished reading, I thought if the doctor at first accepted the daughter, the ending will be great? But then I got the idea that as soon as one must encounter things, he only to know that how will he do.

For others' lives, we only can be a onlooker and don't have credentials to criticize. And whether lie of good will is right? I think not at all! This doctor lives a lie, can't be frank, and always late to say his love to his families because of sorry for them. But most important, the lie turn out to be a condemnation of one's own conscience in the end, and the one influenced much is usually himself!

This is really worthy of reading this book!!

2007年11月15日 星期四

Busy week

With the coming of the first midterm examination, I really found the difference between the high school and university.

As a high school student, I studied by the teacher's schedule, keeping the working routine.But in the university, I have to learn studying spontaneously, making good time plan.

Because I didn't make good use of time at begining, this week I experienced that the time was insufficient everyday, and I had to burn the midmight oil to finish the studying......

Thus neglect my blog so long><

Oh~I must learn the lesson, and hope next time I won't be so hasty and late to start to prepare examination.

2007年10月29日 星期一

Homework 3 -Revise my comprehensive English enhancement plan(CEEP1.1)

Frankly speaking, I consider that I have made progress my English ability gradually. And my English level of CEF is A2 Waystage.

Because I think in reading aspect I can understand sentences and articles much easily; in listening aspect I can realize some simple and routine conversation. While even I have no chance to communicate in English with others, I believe that I possess the ability to describe in simple terms aspects of one background, immediate environment and matters in areas of immediate need. In general, I assess my English level of CEF as A2.

When it comes to my specific goal, I think there is a little frustration on carrying on my action plan. I find that I over-estimate my capability. Because I can't make good use of time and there have been too much affairs such as the practice of cheer team currently, I don't achieve some plan I made. Therefore, I have to revise my original plan.

As regards the second point of my action plan, I want to change this to . I spend too much time on realize the meaning of the articles in "Advance." I am afraid that if I execute my plan thoroughly, I may not have time to study my major and other subjects.

Owing to the cheer team competition, I, honestly, didn't carry out my plan thoroughly. Merely read a little "Advance" and listen to some music "True - Ryan Cabrera"http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xRaKGCmVH1U(so touching!) "My Happy Ending".

I expect that I can turely carry out my plan this time after my sundry things eventually reduce.

2007年10月23日 星期二

An Excellent Experience

Last Sarturday, I was invited to the National Concert Hall where my friend performed on the baritone.

I went to the National Concert Hall with my high school friends, and felt so excited about her performance. This show was held by the brass band of National Tawian Normal University, called 北國秋夜─百年慶典. We looked for our seats, looking forward to the begining of the performance. Then the members of the band appeared, and I saw my friend! When conductor bowed to the audience, the music programme started.

I could not help but immersed myself in the touching melody. Among those 11 tunes, "Medley of Four Russian Folk Songs-I. Podmoskovniye Vechera(莫斯科郊外的夜晚) II. Kalinka(繡球花) III. Katyusha(卡秋沙火箭砲) IV. Volga Boat Song(伏爾加船歌) "was the song I loved most. Besides the perfect performance of the band, there were Mezzo Solo:Yang Ai-lin and Baritone Solo:Chen Rong-gui. When the mezzo soprano and baritone sang with the wind instruments, it was a flawless performance I experienced.

And, of course, as the show ended, the audience broke into rapturous applause and shouted out "encore." They really played one more song, and got a widely acclaimed appreciation.

Even now, the melody still haunts me.

2007年10月18日 星期四

My Conprehensive Plan for English Enhancement 2007~2008

In this academic year, I have a goal to promote my English ability, especially my listening and speaking.

My goal is that in the reading aspect, I can enrich my vocabulary to read articles or news more easily. Then in the writting aspect, I hope to be easier when writting my blog and the content won't be awful. In the listening and speacking aspect, I hope to understand ICRT's conversation and dare to speak English with others. Most important is to pass the middle-level of GEPT.

And in order to achieve it, I will take steps by following method:
  • consentrate on my English class and learn well
  • read "Advance" every day(including listening)
  • read some English novels or news at least once a weeks
  • listen to ICRT or some English songs at leisure
  • post essays to my blog

Last but not least, I have to make good use of time so that I can cope with my major, other affairs and this goal.

Hope that I can fulfill my goal !!

2007年10月7日 星期日

New blog, new life

It's an unprecedented experience to build my blog. I'm a little nervous and excited to write the first article. But I'll do my best to display my new blog!
Now, I'm a freshman in National Taipei University, trying to adjust my brand-new campus life. Freedom of choosing course, colourful club activities, knowing all sorts of person are what the university differ from the high school.Although I still adapt to the environment, I expect that I'll enrich my knowledge, broaden my horizon, expand my international relations.
To sum up, another stage in my life is going to take off . Hope I have courage and perseverance to face challenges in the future!
~~~Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass.-Alexandre Dumas~~